Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Do You want to learn about causative form , please read this information.

Causative Form (Active and Passive Causative)

Causative Form, Active and Passive

In English, the causative form is used when we don't do someting ourselves, instead we arrange for someone else to do it for us.
There are two kinds of causative structure:
  • Active Causative
  • Passive Causative

A. Active Causative

Verbs that take active forms of causative are Let, Make, Have, and Get


Let is used when we want to allow someone to do something.

let agent verb

She lets me borrow her book.
  let agent verb  
She lets me borrow her book.


Make is used when we want to force someone to do something.

make agent verb

My mother makes me do my home work.
  make agent verb  
My mother makes me do my homework.


Have is used when we want to give someone the responsbility to do something.

have agent verb

My English teacher has me do the homework in a week.
  have/has agent verb  
My English teacher has me do the home work in a week.


Get is used when we want to convince to do something or to trick someone into doing something.

get agent to verb

My friends get me to take the test.
  get agent to verb  
My friends get me to take the quiz.

Get vs. Have

Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do something," but these expressions do not mean exactly the same thing.
My friends get me to take the test.
It can be meant that I am actually not encouraged to take the test, but my friends convince me to take that.
My friends have me take the test.
It means that my friends ask me to take the quiz.

B. Passive Causative

There are two verbs generally used in the passive causative form; they are Have and Get. In addition, there is usually no agent in this form; it's not like in active form which has the agent. The action verb is in the past participle, and the object comes before it. The difference between have and get in this passive causative form is the same like in active causative form explained aboved.

Subject Have/Get Object Past Participle

  • I ask someone to fix my car.
    = I have my car fixed.
  • She asked John to wash the plate.
    = She got the plate washed.
Exception But, if the verb get followed by personal nouns, past participle can't be used in it. Instead, we must use to infinitive. So it will become just like in active causative form.

Subject Get Object (personal noun) to verb

  • I get the house painted
  • I get John to paint the house.
In addition, modal auxiliary verbs may be used with the causative sentence structure. Most often, modals express a suggestion by the speaker, such as:
  • You should have your hair cut.
  • He should get his decision changed
  • She will have the food cooked.

Need & Want

Need and want may be used in passive causative sentences. In some cases, the passive causative verb (had/got) may be dropped altogether.??
  • I need/want to have my hair cut.
  • I need/want my hair cut.

That was the explanation about causative form in English, active and passive form. And below is your chance to challenge your knowledge about the causative form. Take the quiz, good luck and enjoy!! :D

Causative Quiz

Answer the following questions with the right answers!!
  1. Wena will .......... by the dentist tomorrow.

  2. clean his teeth
    polish his teeth
    have his teeth cleaned
    have his teeth polished

  3. When .......... your new carpet fitted?

  4. will
    did you have
    have you had

  5. He often .......... at the dry cleaner's.

  6. has his suits cleaned
    has cleaned his suits
    cleans his suits
    gets his suits clean

  7. Mr. Wayan will .......... Sinta play with the laptop if she finishes her homework.

  8. get

  9. I finally .......... the teacher to change his mind about punishment he gave to me.

  10. made

  11. I would like to .......... for me, as I'm an awful cook.

  12. have my cooking
    have my cooking done
    make my cooking
    make my cooking done

  13. Sinta .......... her to do her homework as she gave up.

  14. got me to help
    made me to help
    had me to help
    let me to help

  15. .......... your newspaper delivered to your house every morning?

  16. have
    do you have
    do you get
    do you make

  17. Did someone .......... you wear that ugly clothes?

  18. get

  19. If you feel dizzy, you should ..........

  20. let your blood pressure checked.
    make your blood pressure checked.
    get your blood pressure to check.
    have your blood pressure checked.
    I got this information from http://sprdk.blogspot.com/2011/05/causative-form-active-and-passive.html or 
 thank you for your information  , I'm really happy because of your information.  ^_^

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Pertemuan ke-14 ( the technic how to choose media in learning process )

How to choose a good media in learning process

Assallamualllaikum wr wb

Ok my friends , Now I want to share the imprtant information for you about how to choose a good media in learning process.

As we know that Media is important thing in learning process so we should have a good method to choose a good media for our learning process,
The reason why we should  choose a good media based on the concept of the learning process aprropiate with the system of learning process to get our goals in learning process.
There are some reason why the lecturer or the teacher should choose a good media in learning process,
The first is Demonstration.
The second is Familiarity
The third is Clarity
The fourth is Active Learning

A good Criteria in media when the teacher choose media for learning process.
  • Appropiate with Instructional goals
  • Appripate with Instructional content
  • Appropiate with characteristic of students
  • Appropiate with the theory
  • Appropiate with the style of learning
 I think enough from me ,
Thank you for your attention , Good bye ^_^

Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Pertemuan ke-13 ( Manfaat Penggunaan Media Interaktif dalam pembelajaran )

Pengunaan Media Interaktif Dalam Pembelajaran

Assalamuallaikum Wr Wb
Hai Selamat Pagi semua , hari saya akan berbagi informasi tentang manfaat Media Interaktif didalam pembelajaran, saya berharap informasi yang saya berikan dapat menambah pengetahuan semua temen-temen yang baca informasi ini.

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa teknologi multimedia mampu memberi kesan yang
besar dalam bidang komunikasi dan pendidikan karena bisa mengintegrasikan teks,
grafik, animasi, audio dan video. Multimedia telah mengembangkan proses pengajaran

dan pembelajaran ke arah yang lebih dinamik. Namun yang lebih penting ialah
pemahaman tentang bagaimana menggunakan teknologi tersebut dengan lebih efektif
dan dapat menghasilkan idea - idea untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pada masa kini,
guru perlu mempunyai kemahiran dan keyakinan diri dalam menggunakan teknologi ini
dengan cara yang paling berkesan. Suasana pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang
interaktif, lebih menggalakkan komunikasi aktif antara berbagai hal. Penggunaan
komputer multimedia dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah dengan tujuan
meningkatkan mutu pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi
multimedia, unsur-unsur video, bunyi, teks dan grafik dapat dikemas menjadi satu
melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer (PBK). Sekarang ini, materi PBM telah
banyak ditemukan dipasaran yang disediakan dalam bentuk VCD atau DVD. Contohcontoh
yang dapat kita temukan seperti ensiklopedia, kamus elektronik, buku cerita
elektronik, materi pembelajaran yang telah dikemas dalam bentuk CD atau DVD dan
masih banyak lagi yang dapat di temui. Konsep permainan dalam pembelajaran
digabung untuk menghasilkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang menyenangkan.

Pemanfaatan Media interaktif Pembelajaran
Ada 3 tipe pemanfaatan multimedia pembelajaran, yaitu :
1. Multimedia digunakan sebagai salah satu unsur pembelajaran di kelas. Misal
jika guru menjelaskan suatu materi melalui pengajaran di kelas atau berdasarkan
suatu buku acuan, maka multimedia digunakan sebagai media pelengkap untuk
menjelaskan materi yang diajarkan di depan kelas. Latihan dan tes pada tipe
pertama ini tidak diberikan dalam paket multimedia melainkan dalam bentuk
print yang diberikan oleh guru.
2. Multimedia digunakan sebagai materi pembelajaran mandiri. Pada tipe kedua ini
multimedia mungkin saja dapat mendukung pembelajaran di kelas mungkin juga
tidak. Berbeda dengan tipe pertama, pada tipe kedua seluruh kebutuhan
instruksional dari pengguna dipenuhi seluruhnya di dalam paket multimedia.
Artinya seluruh fasilitas bagi pembelajaran, termasuk latihan, feedback dan tes
yang mendukung tujuan pembelajaran disediakan di dalam paket.
3. Multimedia digunakan sebagai media satu-satunya di dalam pembelajaran.
Dengan demikian seluruh fasilitas pembelajaran yang mendukung tujuan
pembelajaran juga telah disediakan di dalam paket ini. Paket semacam ini,
seperti dijelaskan di muka, sering disebut CBL (Computer Based Learning).

Jadi alangkah baiknya jika kita sebagai calon guru mampu menggunakan Media dalam penyampain materi yang ingin kita sampaikan kepada murid-murid kita.
Dengan Media Interaktif tersebut siswa diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kualitas semangat belajar mereka.

Cukup sekian informasi yang dapat saya berikan , saya minta maaf untuk segala kesalahan yang saya buat sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja, saya akhiri Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

saya dapat informasi ini dari Artikel yang disusun oleh Nur Hadi Waryanto
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika.

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Pertemuan ke-12 ( " Video Shooting " )

What is Video Shoting ?

Video Shooting is a series of activities taking moving pictures and sound simultaneously using a video camera that is done digitally or analog.

 What is Video Camera ?

Video camera is a video image recording devices capable of storing digital images from analog image mode.

 What is a Video or Film ?

Video or Film Frame is a series of images played a lot of fast.


there are the various of Camera :

  • Broadcasting Video Camera
  • Professional Video Camera
  • Prosumer Video Camera
  • Consumer Video Camera
Thank you for your attention and I hope that you can share this information with the other person.

pertemuan ke-11 ( Technics of How to Create Film Scenario )

"Hello Guys ^_^
Now I want to share an information about Technics of How to Create Film Scenario

”A screenplay is a story told with pictures, in dialogue and description, and placed within the context of dramatic structure. A screenplay is a noun – it is about a person, or persons, in a place or places, doing his or her or their thing. All screenplays execute this basic premise. The person is the character, and and doing his or her thing is the action. (1994:8).

there are 8 steps to create the technique of how to create film scenario. 

   1. Point of Story

The first step of create of story is point of story and then we made a scenario. we can make a scenario because we make a point of story.

   2. A synopsis

 Synopsis is a summary of story to develop tobe a scenario. Usually a synopsis make attractive as possible as.

   3. Characters

Character is one of the important part in Novel or short story.

   4. Plot

Preparation of the plot which is indispensable storyline in writing the screenplay as a novel and short story writing.

   5. Outline

Outline is an arrangement scene per scene in more detail. So to say that the outline is a description of the plot.

   6. Scene

Scene is an Information of scene. Scene include of the number of scene int or ext location of scene, and time of scene.

   7. Action

Action is an information about the step of action in scene or scene which is a translation of the Outline that was made before. For Scene 1 can be written.

  8. Dialog dan Parenthetical 

Dialog is words or sentece should be say by the character.

Parenthetical is action instructions or expressions that should be done by the characters in utter dialogue. For example, emotional, sad, cry, smile, laugh, and so on.


Thank You for Your anttention ^_^       


Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Pertemuan ke-10 ( Instructional Design )

Now I want to share about Instructional Design .

Let's read together ^_^

         Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities.

so Instructional desgin also one of way to the lecture or the teacher to plan their material into a good method to make the learner easy in learning process.

            Role of Instructional Design?

Systematic process of instructional design enables you to:

  •      Identify a performance problem

  •      Determine the goals and objectives

  •      Define your learners and their needs

  •      Develop strategies to meet needs and goals

  •      Assess learning outcomes

  •      Evaluate if goals, objectives, and needs are met

 Now we want to talk about Instructional design model , there are some numerous Instructional design model :


  •    ADDIE Model

  •    ASSURE Model

  •    Dick & Carey Model

  •    Hannafin & Peck Model

  •    Waterfall Model

  •    Rapid Prototyping Model

  •    Hipermedia Design Model

  •    Multimedia Design Model


I get this information from


Department of Educational Multimedia

Faculty of Education, UTM


PErtemuan ke-9 ( The principle of Design )

Now I want to share an importan informasi for you about the principle of Design, before we know about the principle of Design we should be know first about what is the principle are ? 

The Principles of Design are the ways that artists use the Elements of Art to create good Compositions (artwork), so that means many artist use the principle of Design to create a good composition for their work. If all artist can use this way they will become a competence people because they result will be the best from the others.

There are 11 principle of Design :

  • Balance    

  • Contrast 

  • Emphasis 

  • Variety  

  • Unity

  • Harmony

  • Proportion

  • Rhythm

  • Movement 

  • Pattern

  • Repetition

 but we just want to explain some of the principle not all ^_^


  • The firs is  Balance. 

This principle of design refers to the visual equalization of the elements in a work of art.


  • The second is Contrast.

A design principle that emphasizes differences between the art elements

  •  The third  is Emphasizes.

    The principle of design that is concerned with dominance; the development of a main idea or center of interest (also called focal point).

  •  The next is Variety

 Variety is achieved when the art elements are combined in various ways to increase visual interest.

The conclusion is the principle of the design is one of the way to make an artis easy in their work , if they use this way they will be resulting a great result.

There are 11 principle of the design, but I just explain some of them , but if you want to read the complete information you can  download the principle of design power point in internet.

I want to say thank you and good bye ,,,,,,,,,,, ^_^


Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Pertemuan ke 8 ( the result of my partner work )

I want to share about the result of my friend's group.

the member of group :

Netty Anggrita Sari          10004448
Zul Aini Renngur               10004465
Putioro Ayu Laksmi         10004471



Kecukupan materi           : 20

Ada gambar                        : 10        

Ada sound                          : 5

Ada Animasi/Video         : 20

Tanggapan Roles of Visuals in Instruction yang digunakan dalam media pembelajaran : 15

Ada latihan                         : 10

Total                                      :  80



Pertemuan ke-7 ( " MACROMEDIA FLASH " )

Hello , good afternoon guys. We meet again , ^_^

Now I want to share about Macromedia Flash , do you know about Macromedia Flash ?

And what is the the advantage of the Macromedia Flash , if you want to know just please sit down and read what I want to share for you ^_^

Macromedia Flash is a multimedia platform that is used to create stand-alone and web animations and applications that are interactive. Flash content can be manipulated, using the scripting language ActionScript, in different ways and on a number of devices including mobile phones. 

So Macromedia Flash is one of the way to teach students in learning process. If you want to make your students easy to understand the material you can use this media for your students.

There is advantage of using Macromedia Flash:

Ease of Use

  • Developing in Flash is an intuitive process. Designers are comfortable with the drag-and-drop interface that is similar to other software that they use daily, such as Adobe Photoshop. Programmers enjoy the simplicity and robustness of the ActionScript language. Using Flash together, designers and programmers can easily create dynamic websites that are visually pleasing as well as functionally dynamic.

    I took this information from http://www.ehow.com/list_5873084_advantages-macromedia-flash.html.

     There is also disadvantage of using Macromedia Flash , 

    Using Macromedia Flash can cause security issues for users. Macromedia Flash files are not password protected or encrypted and can transfer viruses when downloaded on a computer. An Internet Security Threat Report published by Symantic indicated that executions of Adobe Flash Players in 2009 were the second-most attacked vulnerability of that year. Macromedia Flash also uses Flash cookies, or objects used to collect application data on a user's computer without the user's expressed consent.

    I also took this information from this website http://www.ehow.com/facts_6960795_disadvantage-macromedia-flash.html.


    The conclusion is , Macromedia is one of the good media to teach students and also can make students enjoy to learn the material, and also Macromedia easy to use , but there is also has some disadvantage of the Macromedia Flash.

    okey , Thank you for your attention , and I hope that this information can add your knowledge about the good media to teach students. ^_^


Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Pertemuan ke-6 ( Advantage of Video in learning process )

Hai my lovely friends , how are you today ?

Today I want to share an information to you aboutVisual literary.

Do you know about Visual Literary ?

Visual literary is the learned ability to interpret visual messagesn accurately and to create such messages.

There are some ways to improve the Visual literary   for students. 

The first is Input Strategies, helping learners decode or read visuals
proficiently by practicing visual analysis skills
o Picture analysis
o Discussion of multimedia
o Discussion of video

The second is  Output Strategies: helping learners to encode or write visuals—to express themselves and communicate with others
o Planning and producing digital photo and video sessions
o Planning and producing displayed media, both static and

 Here are the goals of Visual Design fo students :

• Ensure legibility
• Reduce the effort required to interpret the message
• Increase the viewer’s active engagement with the message
• Focus attention on the most important parts of the message.

The conclusion of this article is Visual design really important to increase the ability of students in learning process because Visual design make students easy to express their idea to communicate with the other people or to analize anything with their ability.

In learning process the inportant thing makes students understand about what is the material they get in learning process , so we are as a good teacher please help our students to understand the material easier use a Visual design.

Thank your for your visiting , I hope that this information can useful for you and I.

See you next time ^_^


Pertemuan ke-5 ( The Result of My partner work. )


I'm are from the 17 group asses my partner group, here are the member of the group we asses.

Sefi Zein Ardian ( 10004449)

anis santosa ( 10004443)

Mokhamad Azis ( 10004475 )

and there are the result of their work.

Kecukupan materi           : 20

Ada gambar                        : 5          

Ada sound                          : 10

Ada Animasi/Video         : 20

Tanggapan Roles of Visuals in Instruction yang digunakan dalam media pembelajaran : 15

Ada latihan                         : 10

Total                                      :  80

  Thank you for your visiting , I hope that this information can to entertain you.

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Pertemuan ke-4 ( Advantage of Video )

" Hello My name is Yunita , I'm from 17th group. I want to share information about the advantage of Video for learning media. I get this information from this website please visit the website : 


there are some advantage of video : 

First , Video can help the teacher to explain the material easly to the students.

Second , video can help students to be independent learners.

Third , video can help students to work together with the other students.

Fourth , video also can help students more consentration in learning process etc,,,

There are some principle to develop the learning media : 

  • flexibel

  • systematic

  • relevant

  • scientific

  • consistent

  • adequate

  • comprehension

  • actual and contextual

Pertemuan ke-3 ( the Imprtant of Media in learning process )

" The result of discussion at 5th july 2013 ".

 We decided that " Media is one of the important part in learning process". 

I read two sources , in that article explain that " Media can help students to increase thier motivation and and make the students active in the classroom.Media also help the students to increase their ability, emotion and behavior of the students.

I'm from the 17th group , we prepare a macromedia flash for senior high school in the first grade. The subject is a News Item. Before we make the macromedia flash we make a sketch first. A sketch has meaning like outline , so before we make the macromedia flash we make sketch. The purpose make sketch to help us easier when we make macromedia flash.

So , We hope that our workgroup will be succes in the end , we can get a good score ,,,, Amiiiin

Jumat, 05 April 2013

Pertemuan ke -2 ( the result of ASSURE )

Assalmuallaikum Wr Wb

Kami dari kelompok 17 mencoba untuk menjelaskan tentang Model ASSURE dan menggabungkan penjelasan ASSURE dengan hasil Survei kami di sekolah SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Bantul.

adalah salah satu petunjuk dan perencanaan yang bisa membantu untuk bagaimana cara merencanakan, mengidentifikasi, menentukan tujuan, memilih metode dan bahan, serta evaluasi.

Dinamakan ‘ASSURE’ karena sebenarnya merupakan singkatan dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu:
A : Analyze Learner
S : State Objectives
S : Select Methods, Media and Materials
U : Utilize Media and Materials
R : Require Learner Participation
E : Evaluate and Revise
Model ASSURE merupakan jembatan antara peserta didik, materi dan semua bentuk media, berbasis teknologi dan bukan teknologi. Model ini mengasumsikan belajar bukan hanya di dalam kelas seperti pertemuan kuliah/buku teks, tetapi juga menggabungkan pembelajaran di luar kelas dan teknologi yang digunakan.
Model ini menekankan:
Pengajaran kepada siswa dengan gaya belajar yang berbeda, dan konstruktivis belajar di mana siswa diwajibkan untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan mereka dan tidak secara pasif menerima informasi.
Enam proses belajar menurut Model ASSURE:
Tabel 1. Tahapan Model ASSURE
Model ASSURE ini merupakan rujukan bagi pendidik dalam membelajarkan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang direncanakan dan disusun secara sistematis dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi dan media sehingga pembelajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan  bermakna bagi peserta didik.

Kami dari kelompok 17 mecoba menggunakan model Assure untuk menganalisis siswa dari SMP 1 Muhammadiya Bantul kelas 1 (Satu). yang pertama kami lakukan adalah menganalisa kebutuhan siswa, Siswa SMP 1 Muhammadiyah sangat kurang memahami tentang grammar dan Vocabulary. Maka dari itu kamu Mencoba untuk membantu siswa SMP 1 Muhammadiyah untuk memahami serta menyukai bahasa inggris khususnya di bagian Grammar dan Vocabulary. Setelah kita menganalisa kebutuhan siswa kita harus mengetahui tentang State Objective atau kondisi pembelajaran siswa, karena Sekolah SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Bantul hanya memiliki 1 lab bahasa dan ketika menggunakannya harus bergantian , maka dari itu kamu tidak terfokus pada pembelajaran di dalam lab, kami akan menciptakan pembelajaran yang bisa di gunakan didalam kelas. Ke-tiga
Select Methods, Media and Materials atau menentukan materi atau media apa yang akan di gunakan untuk mengajar siswa SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Bantul, Karena keterbatasan tekhnologi kamu memutuskan untuk menggunkan media Gambar untuk mengajar siswa. Manfaat media Gambar adalah media ini dapat digunakan di mana saja, tidak harus terfokus pada lab bahasa mereka.selanjutnya Utilize Media and Materials, kami akan menyiapkan sebuah gambar aktris atau aktor favorite di dunia dengan ukuran yang besar , dan kemudian kami perlihatkan kepada siswa , sehingga siswa mampu mendiskripsikan gambar tersebut bersama kelompok mereka. Model selanjutnya adalah
Require Learner Participation, didalam proses pembelajaran kami akan membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok, dan kemudian setiap kelompok diharapkan mampu mendiskripsikan gambar dengan benar , dan kemudian menunjuk satu orang untuk membacakan hasil diskusi mereka. Yang terakhir yaitu Evaluate and Revise, kami akan mengevaluasi apakah media ini berhasil atau tidak , jika siswa aktif dan merasa tidak bosan dengan menggunakan media ini kami akan melanjutkan media ini , tapi apabila siswa merasa bosan dan tidak ada peningkatan kami akan mencoba dengan media yang lainnya.

Inilah hasil persentasi dari kelompok 17 , kami harap informasi ini dapat membuat pembaca senang ^_^


Wassalam ^_^